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NBA 2k ιστορίες

6. Fearwhatnow NBA 2k13 sliders

Επειδή όλο λέω και λέω για τα περίφημα sliders του fearwhatnow, ορίστε ποια είναι:

Fearwhatnow's NBA2k13 sliders set

This is the Final Set

I'm happy to say that game is almost perfect now and the stats are great in all areas.

After many games I'm ready to post my slider set which fixes many of the game flaws:

- Cpu constantly drives to the basket.Leads to unrealistic amounts of PiP (Fixed) (upd. 15.10.12)
- Cpu goes uncontested for easy layups (Fixed)
- Cpu offensive rebounds toned down.
- Too high FG% (Fixed)
- Easy handling (Fixed)
- Bad help D (Fixed)
- Mid range game by cpu is alive and kicking now (upd. 15.10.12)

Made some tweaks to increase FG% for cpu and decrease drives.Still PiP are in the area of 45%-47% of the total points.My target is 40%.FGA are almost fixed (85-88 per game) by setting the game speed at 45.Target FGA is 77-84 per game.

Difficulty: All-Star (upd. 15.10.12 -> With the newest changes cpu is a good challenge in this difficulty level)
Game Style: Simulation -> Custom
Game Speed: 50 (upd. 15.10.12 -> Seems that anything below 50 messes with the clock)
Player Speed: 35 (upd. 15.10.12 -> Association only option.Slows game, makes animations more smooth and fluid)
Qtr Length: 12 minutes
Shooting Type: User Timing
FT Shooting: Real Player %

Sliders that aren't listed are set at 50 or at their Simulation value.

Inside Shot: 45/45
Close Shot: 45/45
3pt Success: 47/48
Mid Range: 48/49
Pass Accuracy: 47/47
Dunk In Traffic: 15/15 (Logical value.We don't want NBA JAM here)

Driving Contact Freq: 100/100
Inside Contact Freq: 100/100
Layup Def Strength Takeoff: 100/100 (No more uncontested and easy layups)
Layup Def Strength Release: 100/100 (See right above)
Help D: 100/100

Quickness: 35/35
Ball Handling: 45/45
Hands: 45/45
On Ball D: 50/50 (Default.There is good spacing with these values)
Stealing: 45/45
Blocking: 100/100 (upd. 19.10.12)
Offensive Rebound: 50/30
Defensive Rebound: 100/50
Offensive Awareness: 50/100 (upd. 15.10.12 -> 100 for cpu to balance the game with the low value of Attack the Basket slider)
Defensive Awareness: 100/100
Hustle: 50/50 (upd. 19.10.12 -> More FB's for cpu now)
Consistency: 50/50 (upd. 15.10.12 -> Back to the default value for cpu because of All-Star difficulty)

Inside Shots: cpu 5 (upd. 19.10.12)
Close Shots: cpu 5 (upd. 19.10.12)
Mid Range Shots: cpu 50 (upd. 15.10.12)
3pt Shots: cpu 60 (upd. 15.10.12)
Attack Basket: 50/1
Go For On-Ball Steals: 40/40 (upd. 15.10.12 -> Back to default for All-Star)
Contest Shots: 100/100
Backdoor Cuts: 50/0

Over the Back: 100/100
Charging: 100/100
Blocking Foul: 100/100
Reaching Foul: 100/100
Shooting Foul: 93/93
Loose Ball Foul: 100/100

Από OperationSports (τελευταία ανανέωση 19/10/12).Operation Sports

ps: Οι δικές μου αλλαγές στα παραπάνω sliders είναι το Contact Shot στο 49/49 (αντί για 45) και το Inside shot στο 47/47 (αντί για 45). Έτσι αντιμετωπίζεται σε μεγάλο βαθμό το πρόβλημα της υπερβολικής αστοχίας ακριβώς κάτω από το καλάθι.


> UPDATED 21/11/12 <

Μια ακόμα μικρή (αλλά σημαντική) προσθήκη μου. Το Inside Shot Tendency του ΑΙ αυξήθηκε σε 8 (από 5), ώστε να λυθεί το πρόβλημα όπου ο αντίπαλος ψηλός έπαιρνε ριμπάουντ ακριβώς κάτω από το καλάθι και αντί να σηκωθεί για σουτ/κάρφωμα, έδινε συνέχεια την μπάλα στην περιφέρεια.

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